nuclear fusion 核聚變;核合成,核融合。
核聚變;核合成,核融合。 “nuclear“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.核的,成核的;有核的。 2.【物理學】原子 ...“fusion“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.熔解,熔化;【物理學】(核)聚變,合成。 2. ...“- nuclear fusion“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變“fusion, nuclear“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變“cold nuclear fusion“ 中文翻譯: 冷核聚變“controlled nuclear fusion“ 中文翻譯: 可控核聚變; 受控核聚變“fusion nuclear fuel“ 中文翻譯: 聚變核燃料“fusion nuclear power plant“ 中文翻譯: 聚變核電站; 熱核電站“laser nuclear fusion“ 中文翻譯: 激光核聚變“laser-induced nuclear fusion“ 中文翻譯: 激光核聚變“nuclear energy fusion“ 中文翻譯: 核能熔化“nuclear fusion and plasma physics“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變與等離子體物理“nuclear fusion blanket“ 中文翻譯: 熱核反應堆再生區“nuclear fusion bomb“ 中文翻譯: 熱核彈“nuclear fusion device“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變裝置“nuclear fusion energy“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變能量“nuclear fusion energy source“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變能源“nuclear fusion physics“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變物理學“nuclear fusion plant“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變電站“nuclear fusion reaction“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變反應“nuclear fusion reactor“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變反應堆; 熱核反應堆“nuclear fusion test plant“ 中文翻譯: 核聚變試驗裝置“particle beam nuclear fusion“ 中文翻譯: 粒子束核聚變“fusion“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.熔解,熔化;【物理學】(核)聚變,合成。 2.〔美國〕融合;(政黨等的)合并,聯合。 the heat of fusion熔化熱。 the point of fusion=fusion point 熔點。 atomic [nuclear] fusion核聚變,核熔合。 thermonuclear fusion熱核反應。 “nuclear“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.核的,成核的;有核的。 2.【物理學】原子核的;原子能的;原子彈的;核動力的。 3.〔比喻〕核心的,中心的,主要的。 4.〔口語〕憤怒的;激烈的。 The ad compaign would go nuclear. 廣告大戰將變得異常激烈。 -ism 核武器主義。,-ist n. 核武器主義者。
nuclear magnetic resonance |
Which is very dim and hence very difficult to find . if it is massive enough though model dependent , the lower mass limit is about 0 . 1 solar mass , the gas in the protostar continues to heat up until the central portion becomes hot and dense enough for , say , the hydrogen nuclei to overcome their mutual electrical repulsion . nuclear fusion will then take place and a star is finally born 如果原行星質量足夠大下限約為0 . 1個太陽質量,要注意的是,不同的理論模型會給出不同的下限,原恒星會不斷變熱,直至核心部分足夠熱和高壓,令氫原子核克服質子間的電排斥力,產生核聚變,成為一顆真正的恒星。 |
Researches into the nuclear fusion reactions has created a need for handling the deuterium tritium fuel employed , and cryogenic fractional distillation was selected as one of the best process for making the required separations due to relatively large separation factors , low power consumption , high throughputs , relatively short start - up times , and flexibility of design 受控聚變的研究已給人類展示出取得更加安全、清潔,而且是無限豐富的能源的美好前景。在廉價制取聚變燃料氘以及提高核能原料利用率的方法中,低溫精餾被認為是最經濟可行的分離氫同位素的方法。 |
Based on the theory of hydrogen solution in palladium in hydrogen / palladium system and the theory of normal temperature nuclear fusion material and selective resonant tunneling model , some experiment for was carried out producing the “ excess heat “ and “ heat after death “ phenomena in ambient condition 基于對氫鈀系統中氫溶于鈀的理論分析,并結合“常溫核聚變材料”理論和“選擇性共振隧穿模型” ,通過實驗探索產生“過熱” ( excessheat )及“滯后發熱” ( heatafterdeath )現象的客觀條件。 |
The xecl excimer laser have broad applications in industry manufacture , scientific research , biomedical engineering , nuclear fusion , photoelectron , semiconductor etc . today , the excimer laser has been used in the serial of haloid excimer laser mainly , such as xecl , krf , xef , arf excimer laser 準分子激光在工業制造、科學研究、生物醫學、核聚變、光電子、半導體等重要的課題研究領域上有廣闊的發展遠景。特別是準分子激光在光電材料、光電技術上有得天獨厚的優良性能。 |
The department ' s programs are at the forefront of nuclear science and technology leading to improved performance of fission - powered reactors , the technological applications of nuclear and radiation phenomena in biomedical , industrial , and environmental fields , and the development of nuclear fusion as an energy source 本系的課程走在核子科學和科技的最尖端,目的在提高核裂變反應爐的效能、核子和輻射在生物醫學、工業和環境領域的應用,以及研發核融合成為穩定的能源。 |
Recently the r - t and r - m instabilities have attracted the attention of many researchers all over the world for its important role in the controlled nuclear fusion with inertial confinement ( icf ) , electromagnetic implosion and the evolution of an astrophysical object such as the formation of a supernova 在慣性約束核聚變( icf )中,由于r - t和r - m不穩定性的作用,將影響到氘氚氣體的內爆壓縮、升溫、點火和燃燒。 |
Herein , the core of this paper is to improve the efficiency of syndication in venture capital investments . firstly , this paper introduces the definition of syndication and its ‘ nuclear fusion ’ effect , gives a new explanation by the analysis of experience curve and synergy 本文首先介紹了聯合投資的定義以及聯合投資會產生的“核聚變”效應,并利用經驗曲線和協同性分析對聯合投資做了進一步解釋。 |
The large - scale superconducting magnets are presently widely used in modern high - energy particle accelerators and nuclear fusion experimental device , which generally operate at liquid helium temperature region . cryogenic technology is developing with the requirement of operation for superconducting magnets 而超導磁體大都運行在約4 . 5k ( - 269 )的液氦溫區,這又促進了低溫技術的發展。 |
It is not a great deal of energy ? equivalent to about 109 joules per kilogram of hydrogen , much less than the 1015 joules released by the nuclear fusion of the same amount of hydrogen 這能量其實沒有多大游離每公斤的氫需要約109焦耳的能量,遠低于等量的氫進行核融合所釋放出的1015焦耳,所以就算宇宙中只有百萬分之一的氫在恒星內進行核融合反應,也能產生足夠的能量把剩下所有的氫給游離掉。 |
At some point , the density and temperature at the center of the cloud of gas will be high enough to ignite the nuclear fusion . the energy produced by the fusion will create two kinds of outward pressure to act against the gravitational attraction 隨著恒星不斷收縮,核心氣體的溫度及密度亦不斷上升,直至燃點起熱核反應,所產生的能量會造成兩種向外的壓力,對抗向內的萬有引力。 |
Nuclear fusion will be able to provide us with perpetual energy . however , it ' s long way for human beings to obtain large - scale commercial fusion energy . but we believe that fusion energy will realize finally 由于受控熱核聚變研究集中了當代最深奧的科學知識和最先進的工程技術,昭示了聚變之路的艱辛與漫長,但最終聚變能將會造福全人類 |
And more hale than ever are the four major national laboratories that discovered atomic fission , the much more destructive nuclear fusion and the means to develop them into history ' s most dangerous weapons 而且比過去更好的是四所主要國家實驗室發現原子的裂變,更大毀滅性的核子融合和方法發展它們進入最危險的武器之內歷史時期。 |
D . because the surge of nuclear fusion would expand the sun ' s core , the outer layers surrounding the core would be compressed , igniting nuclear fusion in the outer layers and destroying our star in a comprehensive thermonuclear explosion 太陽會變成一個更大、更熱、更明亮的主序星并且會保持這種狀態直到核心的氫燃料用盡為止。 |
The fact is that this unique substance makes it possible to produce cold nuclear fusion , the smallest quantity of isotope is sufficient for creating the bomb of the unprecedented power and destructive force 事實是獨特的物質使生產寒冷的核熔合是可能的,同位素的最小量對創造空前能力的炸彈和毀滅性的力是充份的。 |
The multi - pass amplification of laser is widely used in high power laser system as the driver of nuclear fusion , for it can improve system efficiency effectively and reduce manufacturing cost 多程放大系統由于能夠有效地提高系統效率、降低系統造價,被廣泛地應用于的作為核聚變驅動器的高功率激光系統中。 |
This heating is extremely efficient and can convert about 50 % of the mass energy of an object into radiation , as opposed to nuclear fusion which can only convert a few percent of the mass to energy 這種加熱十分有效可以將物體質能的大致50 %轉化為輻射,如相對的核子熔化只能轉化質能很少的百分比。 |
In march 2002 , the scientific world was rocked by some astonishing news : a distinguished us government scientist claimed he had made nuclear fusion out of sound waves in his laboratory 在2002年3月,科學界被一些令人驚訝的新聞震驚了:一位卓越的美國科學家要求在他的實驗室外面做了核裂變實驗。 |
That in turn is creating new worries over the diversion of nuclear fuel to make bombs ( see article ) and making the distant dream of nuclear fusion even more attractive ( see article ) 不過,這既帶來新的憂慮? ?將核燃料轉換制造核彈,也使得核聚變這一遙遠的夢想變得更有吸引力。 |
A major success such as the harnessing of thermonuclear energy produced through nuclear fusion would radically affect the development of all branches of engineering 諸如利用核子融合(熱核反應)產生熱核能發電等主要技術進步將從根本上影響工程學各分支學科的發展。 |